Stop in for a healthy bite or a fresh cup of coffee

Homemade avocado brownies sign
Woman smiling pouring tea

Food is fuel

The nutrients we put into our body matters. Healthy food allows us to do what we love for longer. We host the Healthy You Café* in store to bring you fresh, seasonal breakfast and lunch options of beautiful food and good nutrients. Most of the menu offerings are organic.

Come experience the flavor and friendliness that the Healthy You Café has to offer. The goal of the café is to inspire members and nonmembers that eating healthy can be delicious.

Visit the Healthy You Café external-linkCreated with Sketch.
Become your healthy best

Your coach will act as your guide on your journey to better health. Together, you'll focus on nutrition, discuss recipes, and ways to stay healthy.

Meet with a certified health coach

Healthy You Café Enola Hours

Monday - Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.


*The Healthy You Café at Capital Blue Cross Connect is brought to you by HelTHe U Café, LLC, an independent company.